December 3, 2010

As we turn our calendars to the last page of the year and watch the snow flurries fly outside, we know that we are now in the season of waiting—the time of Advent. With each day in this new season we step closer to the arrival of Christ—not only the Jesus of Bethlehem but also the Lord of our judgment and salvation. On Sunday we were reminded to ‘wake up’ in order to begin preparations. This week as we worship we’ll hear of our need to prepare our hearts and lives, with the themes of rejoicing and embrace to follow in the final Sundays of Advent.
Join in our worship together this month as we light another candle each week, a sure sign of the growing light as Christ approaches.
For a daily reflection check in with our online posting of Henri Nouwen’s Advent devotionals, no longer in print. www.redeemernorthshore.org/advent.html
Lessons and Carols
This coming Sunday evening is our annual celebration of Advent Lessons and Carols. This is a profound journey through scripture and responding music of God’s promised Saviour, right up to St. John’s declaration of the Word that has come among us.
The glorious music draws from throughout the church’s various ways of worship, from chant, to choral, to hymns and carols and worship songs led by our team. The service begins at 6pm and is a great way to enter more deeply into the beauty of Advent. Bring some friends and join in this rich celebration. There will be a time of cookies and coffee following the service.
Advent is a time of preparation, in which we "get ready" for the birth of Christ and anticipate the time when He will come again. This Advent, COR@9 is focusing on specific Spiritual Practices that can help us deepen our relationship with God. We hope that these practices can play a meaningful role in our lives as we walk through Advent, one way to counter the busyness and hectic pace of the holiday season. Please join us this coming Sunday at 9 a.m. for Lectio Divina”, an ancient practice of scriptural reading and prayer in which God speaks first.
For more information, contact Pastor Amanda (951-256-0124 or zaholm@gmail.com).
Stay tuned for information on the COR@9 series for Winter/Spring beginning in mid-January as we walk through the major themes of the Old Testament.
Children's Ministry Update
Praise the Lord; our Children's Ministry is growing! Our Kindergarten to 5th Grade class has almost doubled over the last few months, we have several little ones who are about to "graduate" from the nursery and move to the 2 to 4 Year Olds' Class, and our nursery is growing with the addition of precious little ones (with 3 more on the way)! With all these developments, our needs are growing as well. We are in particular need of teachers for the Kindergarten to 5th Grade Class. Please prayerfully consider serving with our children and families, and talk with Emily if you have any questions.
Advent Presentation:
Our children will be presenting a reading from Isaiah on December 12, the third Sunday in Advent. While most of the preparation will be done during our regular Sunday morning time, we will need most of the children to arrive early (at 9:15 a.m.) on Sunday, December 12. Parents, you will receive a take-home paper regarding your child's role in this presentation, so be looking for more information.
Redeemer Youth
During the December COR@9 hour, the youth will be exploring four themes of Advent: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. We will engage Scripture and hands-on Advent activities, and also focus on responding to the needs of others in our communities and globally.
This week Dr. Susan Greener will share about how our love is to be shown in concrete ways, especially to those in need nearby and around the world.
All Jr. and Sr. High students are welcome and encouraged to enter into this journey of waiting for the Lord together.
Following the Thanksgiving weekend and as we move into Advent we are giving thanks to God for his provision in the many areas of our lives. Thank you for praying for our end-of-year financial need at Redeemer, and for responding. We are seeking to finish 2010 with all expenses met, and our goal is an accurate representation of that need. Three Sundays remain in our fiscal year. May God bless the giving of our lives and resources to the work of his kingdom among us.
Offering last week: $51,228
Amount needed by year’s end: $27,458
News from Rwanda
Just an update from our partner ministries in the Shyira Diocese of Rwanda. Bishop John Rucyahana has ‘retired’ and Bishop Laurent Mbanda has assumed the place as leader of the Anglican Church in that part of the country. The new Bishop is working on establishing some new roles in the cathedral office that will enhance his own leadership style and help to grow and strengthen the churches of the diocese.
At the last Redeemer Vestry meeting the decision was made to send Fr. Jay to the Sonrise graduation in March, but also to encourage others to attend who may have the time and the means. The date for Sonrise’s first graduation is March 19th, 2011.
Please continue to pray for the work of the Diocese, Sonrise School and our partner parish, St. Michael’s, and for those at Redeemer who help to facilitate our relationship.
Please Pray For
— our mission and vision as Church of the Redeemer
— God’s healing and provision in the many places where it is needed
— true peace and joy in this season
— our decisions regarding ministry and mission as a church in the coming year
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