“Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
From very early on, Christians set aside the days before the celebration of Christ’s resurrection as a time of spiritual preparation, marked in particular by fasting, prayer, and generosity towards the poor. Over time this period of preparation extended to 40 days, following the example of Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4; see also Moses on Mt. Sinai in Exodus 34 and Elijah fleeing Jezebel in 1 Kings 19).
Fasting – abstaining from food and possibly drink as well for a set period of time – has fallen out of vogue as a spiritual practice, even as it has risen in popularity in health and wellness circles. Yet fasting is mentioned numerous times in Scripture as a religious practice, and in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus assumes that his disciples will practice fasting (Matt. 6:16, “When you fast…”).
In Scripture, fasting is closely connected to grief and repentance, as well as with times of intense prayer in preparation for a significant encounter with the Lord, making Lent (as well as Advent) a particularly appropriate season in which to practice this discipline.
What is the purpose of fasting?
When we fast from food, we intentionally experience physical need in order to deepen our awareness of our spiritual need.
Fasting deepens our awareness of things in us and in our world that need further sanctification. In the words of Dallas Willard, fasting “reveals to us how much our peace depends upon the pleasures of eating… [or] how we are using food pleasure to assuage the discomforts caused in our bodies by faithless and unwise living and attitudes–lack of self-worth, meaningless work, purposeless existence, or lack of rest and exercise” (The Spirit of the Disciplines, 166). As we refrain from eating voluntarily and temporarily, we also turn our hearts and actions towards those whose hunger is involuntary and perpetual.
Fasting also deepens our dependence upon God. We choose for a time to depend on God and God’s word to sustain us, in faith that we “do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” We make ourselves weak for a time so that we might experience the strength of God in us. We “empty [ourselves] so that the Lord may fill us.” (Thomas McKenzie. The Anglican Way: A Guidebook, Kindle Edition, Loc 1819). Fasting is a physical way of bringing us in touch with the reality that we are creatures, totally dependent on God for everything we need, including our “daily bread.”
Fasting can also allow the Holy Spirit to re-order our needs and desires, and strengthen our ability to say no to self so we can say yes to Christ.
What fasting is NOT
Fasting is not a way of punishing our bodies for sin. It is a way of encountering God in the good bodies he has given us.
Fasting is also not a way of gaining God’s approval or warding off God’s anger. God already loves us and delights in us! We get to encounter God’s love when we fast.
Fasting is not a way of getting our body under control. This sets spiritual fasting apart from diet culture or patterns of disordered eating, which are at their core about control or feeling out of control. In contrast, fasting is about surrendering control and submitting our whole selves to God.
Fasting is not a commandment. It is a gift – a way in which we open our hearts and lives more fully to God’s grace and power. It is one good spiritual practice among many. If for whatever reason you do not feel able to participate in a fast this year, consider participating in a related practice, such as solitude, silence, or even simply turning off your phone for the day.
How to participate in this year’s Friday Fasts
Note: There are many good things from which we can abstain as part of our Lenten discipline. For our communal fasts this year we are focusing on abstaining from food in particular. In Scripture, fasting is always connected to food. Fasting from food taps into the deep connection between our physical bodies and our spiritual selves as little else can.
- Choose at least one meal to skip each Friday. Share your plan with a friend.
- In the time you would have spent eating, try doing one of the following instead:
- Pray – for your needs and the needs of the world. Pray in particular for those who need food.
- Meditate on one of these passages, or another that comes to mind:
- Isaiah 58:5-12
- Joel 2:12-17
- 2 Cor 4:7-12
- Luke 4:1-13
- Give – take a meal to someone who needs it, or give the money you would have spent on food to an organization such as World Relief.
- Pray the following Collect before you go about the rest of your day:
Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: Mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the Cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen. - When you feel hunger during the day, say a simple prayer such as: “Lord, have mercy,” “I need you, Lord,” or, “Come Lord, and open in us the gates of Your Kingdom.”
- Notice and be curious! What emotions rise to the surface when you get hungry? What circumstances (internal or external) are easier or harder to endure? What do you sense the Holy Spirit saying to you?
What if I don’t “feel anything?”
You may or may not have a “big spiritual experience” when you fast, and that is ok. Spiritual practice is just that – practice. Seek God, make space, and trust the Holy Spirit to be at work.
God our Father, in your love and goodness you have taught us to come close to you in penitence with prayer, fasting and generosity; accept our Lenten discipline, and when we fall by our weakness, raise us up by your unfailing mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.