It can be intimidating to visit a church for the first time! Here’s what you can expect at Church of the Redeemer.

When & Where

Church of the Redeemer meets on Sundays at 10 a.m. in Highwood IL, north of Chicago. We also livestream our services each week. Parking is available on the street and in the public lot across from our building. 

About Our Worship

We worship using the Anglican liturgy, which allows us to pray with the people of God throughout time and across the world. “Liturgy” simply means that everyone gets to participate, so please join in as you feel comfortable using our printed bulletins.

Most who attend Redeemer dress fairly casually. Our clergy wear collars and robes during worship, a practice handed down from the historic church. 

Our music is acoustic and eclectic. On a given Sunday you might hear hymns old and new, contemporary Christian music, songs from the Taize community, and original compositions.

Services usually last 90 minutes (10-11:30 a.m.).

Kids & Youth

All ages are welcome in worship! We offer nursery care during the service for ages 0-2. Kids and youth from age 3 through Middle School begin the service in “big church,” then go downstairs after the opening songs for their own age-appropriate times of Scripture, prayer, and response, then rejoin for communion. Kids and youth are always welcome to remain with their parents for worship.

Learn more about our ministries for children and youth.

Hospitality & Connection

Following the service, coffee and snacks are available in our lower level. We love to hang out together, and we’d love to hang out with you too!

Other questions?

Feel free to reach out to our office to learn more.