We welcome all who desire to worship with us at our Sunday morning service (also available at the livestream link below) and other opportunities for worship and fellowship.

Here are some of the ways you can connect and worship with us:

  • Worship service in-person and livestream: Sundays at 10 a.m.*
  • Children’s Worship: A new godly play story each week from our Children’s Ministry team during the worship service (children ages 3 through grade 4).
  • Youth Ministry: Youth grades 6-8 meet during the worship service (with the exception of the first Sunday of the month) for their own time of study and connection. Middle school and high school youth also meet outside of Sunday mornings for social gatherings.
  • Evening Compline (prayer) each Wednesday night via Zoom*

*To receive bulletins for our services and links to the Zoom events please sign up to receive our emails.