COR@9 is Redeemer’s longstanding adult ed hour (it stands for “Church of the Redeemer at 9 o’clock). Every Sunday morning at 9 we gather for a time of informal teaching and conversation, and end by praying the Great Litany together just before we head upstairs for the Eucharist at 10 o’clock.

In this new year we’ve started a new focus on the Psalms. The Psalms are the Bible’s prayer book, and they’re also the centerpiece of our own Book of Common Prayer. The Psalms have long been central to Christian worship and prayer: through them we learn how to voice our praises, laments, and petitions to God.

Over the next few months we’ll be diving deeper into the Psalter. We’ll learn a bit more about Hebrew poetry. We’ll talk about what it means to sing these Old Testament songs as Christians in the modern age. We might even learn how to chant! And we’ll tackle some tricky questions: Can we really read all the Psalms in the voice of Jesus? What do we do with all that talk about enemies? And what about the imprecatory psalms?

Please do consider joining us! We’d love to see you.