Middle-school age youth (10-13 years)

Middle-school age youth (10-13 years) leave the Sunday morning service briefly for a time of Scripture teaching and prayer together. On the first Sunday of the month, middle-school youth will remain in the service. Our time together will allow us to practice liturgy on a level appropriate for this age group as we explore the Word and pray together. Their time with the adults once a month will help them begin the transition from children’s worship to full participation in adult worship

High-school age youth (14+ years)

High-school age youth (14+ years) will remain in the sanctuary on all Sundays for the opportunity to fully participate in the worship service. Participating in the full service will allow our high-school age teens to hear and contemplate the sermon, participate in the prayers of the people, and perhaps even serve in new ways as Redeemer continues to re-open and re-gather on Sunday mornings. Our hope is that having youth of this age stay with the adult congregation will build strong bonds among the whole people of God and enhance the experience of Sunday worship.

Is there a time when the whole youth group will be together?

While we are making a distinction on Sunday mornings about the needs of our middle-school and high-school students, we also place a high value on the integrity of the youth group as a whole. We will continue to cultivate opportunities for the entire youth group to gather and benefit from one another’s company and example. Friday Youth Fellowship and other events will remain a time for the entire youth group to gather as one.

For more information about Redeemer Youth, please contact Youth Ministry Coordinator, Nancy DeWeese.