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The day before Ash Wednesday is called Shrove Tuesday, traditionally an opportunity to eat pancakes for dinner in an effort to get all of the butter, eggs, and fat out of the house that might be given up during the Lenten season. It is celebrated in the United Kingdom as Pancake Day and some might describe Shrove Tuesday as an Anglican version of Mardi Gras!

This year, we’ll celebrate by gathering at the church Tuesday, March 4th starting at 6:00 p.m. for a Pancake Potluck. The church will provide 2+ pancakes per person, but not enough for your whole meal. The larger meal is provided by all of us pitching in and bringing something to share! We need some breakfast-y main dishes, and other breakfast-y sides. We’ll begin at 6:00 p.m., but arrive when you’re able.

Please use this link (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4DAEA92EA2FECF8-55090528-shrove) to let us know if you plan to be there and to tell us what you plan to bring. Keep an eye on what others note, and plan your contribution accordingly. If you would like to help that evening, please contact Laurie Nelson. See you there!