The Rev. Amanda Holm Rosengren — Rector
Amanda Holm Rosengren serves as Rector (Senior Pastor) at Church of the Redeemer. After serving on staff at Redeemer as a Music Minister for two and a half years, she transitioned to a full time role in 2009, continuing to lead the music ministry as well as preaching, facilitating in areas such as congregational care and spiritual formation, and (in her words) “whatever else needs doing.” She was installed as Rector of Redeemer in 2023.
Born and raised in southern California, Amanda first came to the Chicago area as a student at Wheaton College, graduating with a BA in English. In 2009 she graduated from Trinity International University, earning a Master of Divinity degree with a Pastoral Care focus. She and her husband, Erik, were married at Redeemer in 2010. Following ten years of ministry as an ordained Anglican deacon, Amanda was priested by Archbishop Laurent Mbanda of the Anglican Church of Rwanda in 2021.
In addition to her work with Redeemer, Amanda and Erik keep busy caring for their two children, Ruth and Junia, and their goofy border collie, Deke. Amanda enjoys baking bread, cooking new things, reading fantasy novels, and her most recent hobby: improv.