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Sonrise School is a remarkable place, not just because it is a school and one that cares for its students in a corporate way, but because of the people that make up that community. They are committed to Sonrise’s redemptive mission and are sacrificing in powerful ways. As you meet the people of Sonrise you get a sense for how special this place is, and the kind of leadership that called it into being.

On this return visit I was able to spend a little time with Celestine, Sonrise’s Assistant Chaplain. He leads spiritual education and formation for the students, as well as Bible studies and other student life gatherings. He works most days (that is, about seven days a week) from 7am until late at night. Recently thieves broke into the Sonrise High School Chapel and made off with the drums, keyboard and sound system, as well as Celestine’s bicycle, his only means of transport. So each Sunday morning he moves the musical instruments from the Primary School chapel (St. Michael’s) to the High School next door—not an easy feat as they as separated by a large field and creek. Yet he received me with warmth and a servant’s heart, wanting to carry around my briefcase for me during my visit. There are many people here like Celestine, and their sacrifice makes the place what it is.