At Church of the Redeemer we believe giving is an integral part of discipleship.

We offer several ways for those who are part of our community to support Redeemer financially.

  • Place checks or cash in the offering basket during our regular Sunday services.
  • Mail checks to the church office, or have your bank send a check automatically.
  • Give stock donations (contact the church office for more information).
  • Give online directly from your bank using Zelle, either as a one-time gift or as a recurring donation (click below for more information).
  • Give via text message by texting the phrase REDEEMERNORTHSHORE to 73256 and clicking the link that will be sent back to you.
In addition to these venues for giving to our general fund, we offer online giving through Church Center (NEW!).

Though Church Center’s website and smartphone app, you can review your giving history, make new donations, adjust recurring donations, and more! Download the app or click the link below to get started.